Catholicism 101
RCIA is one of my favorite groups in the Church. It stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and consists of adults who are becoming Catholic. Like so many folks who are active and committed in the Church, those in RCIA are usually really good people. What makes them stand out is their interest in studying Church teaching and practice. In short, Catholic converts are typically on fire for Christ and the Church. It’s enjoyable to be with people who share your passion, so beautiful friendships usually result from our bond in the Gospel and the Eucharist. A dear friend who I helped bring into the Church sixteen years ago and considers me a brother as much as a Father texted me on Sunday: “Happy Father's Day, my brother Father!”
Last week at RCIA, I presented to the group a talk on heaven, hell, and purgatory. The next class will start our series on the sacraments. My favorite discussion, of course, is on the Eucharist. I present each topic as thoroughly as possible and with their questions in mind, so I don’t typically get a lot of questions after the talk. They might ask questions the following week because it takes time to process the huge information. We are dealing with mysteries, so the more we learn, the more questions we should have.
I have used the same book for RCIA the past twenty years or so: “We Believe” by Oscar Lukefahr. It’s excellent because it presents the core teachings of the Church in an elementary but substantial way. There are no tests in RCIA, but people read the book in order to be prepared for the discussions. They are each given the Bible as well as the Catechism of the Catholic Church. We discuss aspects of Catholic culture and go through many practices of the Church.
After Mass this past Sunday, a non-Catholic husband of a parishioner asked what he needs to do to become Catholic. Thankfully, this has been a common question here the past year. God is good! We talked about RCIA for him, of course. But it’s also for those who want to learn more about their Catholic faith or need a refresher. If coming to a group like RCIA intimidates you, you can just order and read the “We Believe” book and email me questions. The study of our Catholic faith even at a basic level is so fascinating!