God can speak through technology

Listening to a Catholic podcast is probably my weakest suggestion on the list from my “Comeback time” post. To be honest (one of our least favorite clichés to hear because it’s like, haven’t you been honest until now?!), I don’t listen to podcasts. It’s like yoga: I just preached about it on Sunday but I’ve never done it. I know people who practice yoga and I know people who listen to Catholic podcasts. I know about each but it’s second-hand knowledge (sorry lol).

What I’ve learned about podcasts is that they can be very instructive to Catholics who are in different places in their faith and understanding. That’s why I gave you a list from which to choose one or more podcasts. Also, it’s good to get a voice of Truth different from mine which will take you more into the objective realm. When you read what I’ve wrote, it’s easy to think, ‘well, that’s just Father Greg’. But, if another person in the Church says the same thing as I, then it penetrates more as objective truth. Additionally, people on these podcasts will explain things more intellectually and creatively than I. The Body of Christ is made up of many parts!

Someone who is struggling with serious sin recently told me what they heard on a podcast to people in general: “the way you’re living now, you’re either choosing heaven or hell”. (Oh, that reminds me, hosts of podcasts can speak rather directly because of their medium.) This statement had him (or her) worried. I replied, “as long as you’re coming to Confession, you’re choosing Heaven”. That placated him. But, it was a perfect combination of a general statement from a podcast host along with a personal comment from a priest. The Holy Spirit was at work. As the Church has been saying for some years now, God can speak through technology!




God: Can I have a word with you?