Time to confess

I’ve tried to write you all this time with no pressure to return to the Church and the sacraments, but after a few years I probably should mention it lol. I’ve been so pleased when readers of this blog have come back to the fold. If you’re thinking, ‘it’s time’, then we would love to welcome you back. Now is a great time, of course, because we are in a holy season of repentance (Advent). And, we have a Penance Service tonight (Dec 17, 7 pm) which I half-jokingly call a Pardon Service. Come get your full pardon!

No matter how long it’s been or what you have done, the sacrament of penance (confession/ reconciliation) is more about what you and I receive which is the mercy of God. It is worth going through a few minutes of embarrassment. Unlike presidential pardons, Catholic pardons in confession are private and always remain so. The priest (who is acting in the person of Christ) can never reveal anything from a confession. And God always forgets what He has forgiven. It might be time for you to confess and be reconciled with God.

To help you prepare for confession either for the Penance Service or anytime, below is an Examination of Conscience that is given to parishioners. Please don’t be afraid and know that beautiful peace and joy await you on the other side of this.

1. Have I received Holy Communion in the state of mortal sin?

2. Have I used God’s name irreverently (OMG, JC, e,g.)?

3. Have I deliberately missed Mass on a Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation without a serious

reason (from the 3rd Commandment and “Precepts of the Church”)?

4. Do I honor and respect my parents?

5. Have I had an abortion or encouraged an abortion? Have I abused drugs or alcohol?

6. Have I used artificial contraception or been sterilized? Have I used artificial conception (IVF,

e.g.)? Have I engaged in sexual activity (outside of marriage)? Have I deliberately

viewed pornographic magazines, videos or internet websites? Have I masturbated?

7. Have I stolen or accepted stolen goods?

8. Have I lied? Have I gossiped?

9. Have I entertained impure thoughts?

10. Am I envious of the possessions, abilities, talents, beauty, or success of others?


The fun of snow

