Amazing parish

Today I was talking with a parishioner who told me a story about our parish. She was telling a friend about our Adoration Chapel which will open March 3. The friend asked how often it will be open to which she replied, “it will be open 24 hours!”. Given that someone has to always be there (whenever the Blessed Sacrament is exposed in Adoration), her friend’s jaw was on the ground. She asked how was that possible.

That is the thought of many of us here. Even the Archdiocese is amazed at the response of parishioners to fill every hour of every day adoring Jesus in the Eucharist. And for a parish of our size, it is especially remarkable. As I wrote in an email to parishioners last Tuesday, “this parish is amazing! OLVP parishioners and neighbors have given an unprecedented response to filling the slots for the Perpetual Adoration chapel”.

If you don’t know what Adoration is, then you are just like me when I first signed up for an hour on Thursday mornings in college. It is truly life changing. It means spending time with Jesus who asked, “could you not keep watch with me for an hour?” An hour is a long time to pray, but as one parishioner said recently, “the first time I went, I couldn’t believe how quickly the hour went”.

Unbelievably, we only have 15 hours to fill (out of 168 hours in the week). But, the chapel opens in three weeks, so we could use your help to fill the remaining slots:

Sunday 6 am, 9 am, 1 pm, 5 pm 10 pm

Monday 2 am, 3 am

Saturday 1 pm, 2 pm, 5 pm, 6, pm, 7 pm, 8 pm, 10 pm, 11 pm

Would you consider taking one of these hours every week? You can sign up at Or, if you’d prefer to adore once a month on a rotation with other adorers, please email me with the hour and week (for example, Saturday 8 pm, 2nd week) you can serve each month.

We have subs to help for any weeks you can’t make. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for considering it and don’t be afraid to say yes!


The fun of snow